Wednesday 8 April 2009

This training for general people, not for KSIM member only or the latest generation in Mechanical Engineering Dept. (2008). Author hopes, many people join this training, notice, Arabian language is the language which using in Al-Quran and Hadeest. The teacher is capable in this area, Insya Alloh.
Book are used:
• Tuhfatul – Tsani masterpiece Syekh Muhyidin
• And others related books esp. masterpiece Ust. Abu Izzie (Semarang)

Monday 30 March 2009

The election legislative and president in Indonesia are not compatible
Indonesia has been applied direction system in Indonesia for four times (5 years once). But it isn’t effective and efficient instead waste the fund of Indonesia. Imagine it, if the fund for campaign , furthermore the participant isn’t one ,two or three but teens!!!. Instead for campaign is for school free, curing free, vanishing poor, pay the country debt, build general facility etc
The election in Indonesia a lot of money politics. In addition, the voters majority is don’t know about the real capability who he/she votes. Slightly voters ambitious to vote, they are people who have relation to that party i.e. her/his family (definitely have blood correlation). Except that, is only blind followers. Under that circumcised, democracy it doesn’t works .
If you see the campaign in Indonesia via internet or news, they make crowded on the way, use music concert to get followers and then they sing and dance, we called it “dangdutan”. The point is they using that way not give the quality oration, vision or mission, exactly that the essence.
Solutions for previously problems are: as Muslim (majority in Indonesia until now) people should be know the rule to run the government (to this case). In glorious Islam, Islam using Kholifah system, that is, the leader vote based on acclamation or delegation previous (leader)kholifah. Note it isn’t kingdom system (which based on clan to proceeding government). The steps to run these systems are:
1) Choose the trustworthy people to votes the next leader, just like Abdurrahman bin ‘Auf (alter ego Amirul mu’minin Umar ra) did when Amirul mu’minin Umar r.a died (the leader that day) , he collect five others people (including Ali bin Abi Tholib ra and Utsman ra). Then Abdurrahman bin ‘Auf come to Ali bin Abi Tholib ra then say that if he thrusts to him, he must listen go what he said, Ali bin Abi Tholib ra, answers and deals. Abdurrahman bin ‘Auf asking who are you believe in to leads Muslimin , he says Utsman ra. In other hand Utsman ra says Ali bin Abi Tholib ra is more convenient. Then Abdurrahman bin ‘Auf say that if he thrusts to him, he must listen go what he said Utsman ra, answers and deals. He says you are the next leader. That’s it that’s all .
2) Determine the leader before he hand out leadership, just like prophet Muhammad SAW. Died indirectly acclaim his alter ego Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq ra.
The conclusions are:
• More Cheap
• More Simple
• More Short
• More Peace
• More Clean
Is it possible to run these methods in nowadays?
Nothing is impossible,
To be continued……………………..
Sholat is the a deed very greats and good like we know, Alloh SWT(Almighty) and his Rosul (prophet) facade people who doing it khusyu’(using heart). Furthermore, sholat is the first deed be account in the end of the day. If his/her sholat good either the others. In other h-and is otherwise.
Therefore, everyone will his sholat can be perfected and received by Alloh Azza wa Jalla. There is some condition receive the deeds (including sholat) are ikhlas (candid) and itiba’ (follow Prophet Muhammad SAW way’s).
Among his guidance is using sutroh in sholat. Asking help Alloh Azza wa Jalla we would discuss about sutroh and the term correlate to it. This theme intentional author rise because a lot of Muslimin (Muslim people) are don’t know about it.
Definition of sutroh
Sutroh is something which using by someone at the front to prevent people passing at the front (Taudhihul Ahkam masterpiece Syaikh Ali Bassam:25/58). It can be wall or pillar of Mosque, stick, desk etc.
Size of sutroh
The size is just like saddle using at horse, usually one hasta (that is ,between the peaks of middle finger and elbow aprx. 46.2 cm (look at HR. Muslim:500). The distances between people who sholat about three hasta(Fathul Bari Syaikh Ibnu Hajar :1/74).

Sunday 29 March 2009

I'm a man who searching peace n love, like honestly, n I'm still school in Diponegoro University , third year, mechanical engineering dept. I wanted friends to share n talks about Indonesia. Note Indonesia still drop and try to rise, I ready to build my beloved nation Indonesia!!!