Monday 30 March 2009

Sholat is the a deed very greats and good like we know, Alloh SWT(Almighty) and his Rosul (prophet) facade people who doing it khusyu’(using heart). Furthermore, sholat is the first deed be account in the end of the day. If his/her sholat good either the others. In other h-and is otherwise.
Therefore, everyone will his sholat can be perfected and received by Alloh Azza wa Jalla. There is some condition receive the deeds (including sholat) are ikhlas (candid) and itiba’ (follow Prophet Muhammad SAW way’s).
Among his guidance is using sutroh in sholat. Asking help Alloh Azza wa Jalla we would discuss about sutroh and the term correlate to it. This theme intentional author rise because a lot of Muslimin (Muslim people) are don’t know about it.
Definition of sutroh
Sutroh is something which using by someone at the front to prevent people passing at the front (Taudhihul Ahkam masterpiece Syaikh Ali Bassam:25/58). It can be wall or pillar of Mosque, stick, desk etc.
Size of sutroh
The size is just like saddle using at horse, usually one hasta (that is ,between the peaks of middle finger and elbow aprx. 46.2 cm (look at HR. Muslim:500). The distances between people who sholat about three hasta(Fathul Bari Syaikh Ibnu Hajar :1/74).

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